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IBC 2024:内容观看的未来


流媒体中的女性 presented a fascinating panel on “The Future of Content Viewing” at IBC 2024 that kicked off with some striking data, 礼貌的 Omdia 高级研究主任Maria Rua Aguete. 以M开头 & E market poised to top $1 trillion in overall revenue in 2024 and 61% of that coming from 广告, “每个人都知道你不能再只靠潜艇赚钱了.”

在这1万亿美元总额中,在线视频占3920亿美元, 其中传统电视为3920亿美元,游戏为2200亿美元. 电影收入远远落后,只有440亿美元. 

与此同时, YouTube has established itself as the most-watched content platform in the 媒体 ecosystem.

U.S. 2023年,观众在YouTube上观看了1070亿小时的视频, 而TikTok则是610亿美元, 网飞380亿美元, Facebook为350亿美元. YouTube在英国、德国、西班牙、巴西和韩国也排名第一.  

Consequently, she said, “You need to be involved with these platforms if you want to make money.”

“What does it mean for SVOD services or traditional broadcasters that YouTube has so many viewers?”问 Viaplay 执行副总裁 万带兰Rapti. “根据游戏类型,你需要迎合观众的需求.”


Another surprising stat Aguete reported was that 21% of viewers aged 18–24 watch content on smart TVs. “他们只会在手机上看电视,这是个迷思.” 

因为分类并不像我们想象的那么简单, 对于内容提供商来说,更深入地研究以下问题是很重要的, “什么类型的内容在不同的设备上最受欢迎? 根据屏幕大小和内容长度,内容偏好有何不同?”

63%的YouTube视频是在智能手机上观看的,而Netflix只有30%. 对于内置的智能电视应用程序,这些数字基本上是相反的, 58%的人选择Netflix, 27%的人选择YouTube. 平板电脑的比例大致相当(20%是YouTube, Netflix 17%), 个人电脑和笔记本电脑的利润差距有所扩大(34%), Netflix 21%).

One key takeaway from the session was how much premium content companies have traditionally undervalued short-form content and how important it is to pursue a sound short-form strategy that includes putting the right content on the right platforms.

“YouTube的浏览量最高,”阿格特说. “但如果你把所有东西都放到YouTube上,就赚不到钱了.”

“让你的内容简短而相关,”他说 Ateliere 高级副总裁,企业解决方案架构Zeenal Thakare. “在新平台上,依靠新内容来扩大覆盖面.”


It’s also important for content providers to identify and make the most of redistribution opportunities.

Reelgood 客户体验副总裁 Shuchi Mathur discussed how even top-tier premium content providers like Netflix are “constantly evolving their system,,理由是该公司认识到他们需要扩大规模 鱿鱼的游戏 以非韩国观众为例. “When writers’ strikes happen and you’re not creating new content, you say, ‘What can we do?’并研究内容再分发. 但不要仅仅为了创收而重新分发内容.”


AI will play a tremendous role in content viewing and its monetization in the years to come, 考虑到从配音, 字幕, and localization to discovery and addressing the persistent problem of “content fatigue.”

“配音和字幕是人工智能的一个极好的用例,”Mathur说. “Without AI, it was very expensive to translate content to different languages.结果是, AI has made it much easier to distribute content in countries with “less popular languages” that may have been left out before.

他说:“人工智能在整个分销过程中发挥着重要作用. “对公司来说,更好地理解你的内容是一个巨大的收入驱动力. On the distribution end, it helps in finding out how you can distribute content and keep costs down.”

Mathur 评论了人工智能和元数据在放松中发挥的重要作用, 个性化, and enhancing the content recommendation process for streaming entertainment viewers. “使用元数据进行个性化比以往任何时候都更重要,”她说. 对于“个性化推荐”,她继续说道。, “you can explain why a piece of content would appeal to different viewers for different reasons. There are so many ways to tag a piece of content, and AI has made that easier.”

“不与人工智能合作不是一种选择,”Thakare补充道. “Being very intentional in how you work with AI is going to be essential for monetization.”


The panel also addressed the question, “What will define the next generation of sports?”

2024年体育流媒体最大的痛点之一, 据阿格特说, 跟踪哪些体育赛事可以在哪些频道上观看, 看着订阅费用不断增加. “It’s very confusing for consumers to find out how many services they need to subscribe to” in order to view the matches they want to see.

体育授权也对订阅费产生了巨大的影响. “It’s very different what a service can charge if it offers entertainment versus sports,” said Rapti. It has also become extremely difficult even to find all of a specific sports league’s games on a single service. “有几年,一家服务公司拥有英超联赛的所有转播权. 现在是2或3.”


尽管分裂, 不足为奇的是, 这是为服务创造价值并将其货币化的关键, 是否通过订阅, 广告, 或者更有可能两者都有, 归结为两件事:内容和数据.

“When they watch more, they stay more, and they value the service more,” said Rapti.

When it comes to selling ads and justifying higher ad rates, data is the straw that stirs the drink. “我们收集的数据是观众与你的品牌之间的关系,”塔卡雷说. 她认为,“了解谁在观看”是至关重要的. Understanding brand affinity is key to knowing how you can monetize your content,” said Thakare. “利用数据来推动收入是关键. 了解谁会看,这样你就可以收取更多的广告费用.”

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题

IBC 2024 流媒体 Digest – AI, 5G, Live Sports, Monetization, Content Curation, and 更多的

ICYMI:这里是流媒体的IBC 2024报道的完整集合. 与参展商, 演讲者, 以及来自170多个国家的游客, 今年的活动是所有最新流媒体的深度聚宝盆, 广播, 媒体, 娱乐热点话题, 包括人工智能, 5G, 现场直播的体育, 内容创作, 还有更多.

IBC 2024:通过与Imaginario AI对话实现更好的内容管理

One AI-driven solution that stood out at IBC 2024 as particularly smart and creative comes from a London-based company called Imaginario AI. 我会见了首席执行官兼联合创始人Jose M. Puga and got an up-close look at a content indexing and curation tool that uses multimodal AI models to "make video content searchable like text." Imaginario AI made a big enough splash at IBC this year to take home 1st prize in the "Manage" category of the IABM's BaM awards.

IBC 2024:你(可能)错过的四件事

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派拉蒙全球首席技术官:IBC 2024:转向流媒体获得回报

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IBC 2024: 5G和体育直播贡献

Many have made the case for 5G-in-the-sports-arena around in-game sports betting, and lamented the less-explosive-than-expected growth in that area as a lost opportunity for 5G to demonstrate its prowess. 尽管5G和道具投资仍然是一对般配的组合, much of the 5F buzz at IBC2024 concerned the ways 5G is enabling 现场直播的体育 streamers doing cloud production to bring in multiple feeds and deliver more dynamic and engaging streams and quick-turn highlights.

IBC 2024: Gracenote Exhibits New Watch Prompts Dataset That Drives Audience Tune-in and Engagement

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